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Killmonger Birthright Africa Quest Kicks Off. - Traffic to ADN Website increases by 1000%

Writer's picture: Press ReleasePress Release

Late week Thursday was an overwhelming day for me; it marked a day of massive action in the execution of a 20 year vision whose time has come. I was humbled by the presence of Chinita Allen, President of the United Nations Association of Atlanta, Ambassador Michael Battle, Fmr. US Ambassador to the African Union, Waleed Shamsid-Deen, CEO of Supreme Foods, International Business Consultant; Van Jakes, President of Jake 22 LLC and Fmr. NFL Defensive End; Damani Aaquil, Executive Director of the Regional Council of Africans in the Americas; La Detra White, President, Noble Insights, Philanthropist, Marketing Communications Consultant and Empowerment Speaker; Dr. Justin Ballenger, Assistant Professor of STEM Education, Mercer University and Mr. Brandon Kabagame, President of the combined African Students Association of Morehouse College, Spelman College and Clark-Atlanta University - amongst a host of attendees equal in dignity.

Pictured: Ambassador Michael Battle Gives Introductory Remarks as Panel Looks on

Left to Right: Mr. Van Jakes, Mr. Damani Aaquil, Mr. Waleed Shamsid-Deen, Mrs, La Detra White, Dr. Justin Ballenger, Mr. Kwabena Boateng

Beyond the important conversations, two programs have been launched as at March 9th to actualize some of the remedies validated by the panel:

1. Killmonger Birthright Africa Quest

2. Heritage Tours to Ghana - Curated guided tours and networking/business partnership incubation.

We were and are determined to fill a gap: the United Nation’s Declared 2015-2024 as the International Decade for People of African Descent..3 years into the program, less that 2% of the people whom it concerns have heard about it and most organizations that represent Africans and people of African descent have not made it a priority yet.

The theme for the Decade is: Recognition, Justice, Development

African Diaspora Nation and the Atlanta University Center African Students Association kicked of a program of action code named Vision 2024 on March 8th at the African American Hall of Fame, housed in the sacred grounds of the MLK International Chapel, Morehouse College , Atlanta.

Our Goal: Personalize the aspirations of the UN International Decade for People of African Descent with specific programs aligned with the general Theme: Recognition, Justice, Development


We declared that the historical injustice we have suffered as a people - as well as the at least 400 years of media narratives that it spun - have had a polluting effect on our popular culture; the factory for development of our human capital. On an individual level this results in identity distortion and the veiling of the full expression of the dignified essence that Global Africa carries within its depths; it also results in degraded relational integrity between Africa and it’s Diaspora as we are fed with negative perceptions of each other.

Action: Programmatic Response(Personal)

1. Killmonger Birthright Africa Quest

A global immersion trip to Ghana for youth between the ages of 18 and 26 - starting with Atlanta. This leadership development and social entrepreneurial service trip is designed to symbolize the closure of an ancestral loop through a collective pilgrimage that restores, reclaims and builds upon all  that is true and of lasting value within us - our inner capital; our priceless essence which has repeatedly been veiled by oppressive paradigms and systems, but which must now be re-asserted and unleashed for the economic liberation and empowerment of our people.

2. Heritage Tours to Ghana - Curated guided tours and networking/business partnership incubation.


Know Thyself: Global Citizenship and Exchange, Self Knowledge, Self Awareness, Relational Integrity(Africa & Diaspora), Partnerships

10,000 first time visitors to Africa - Ghana by 2024 through programmed immersion experience - 5,000 Students and Volunteers

BlackThruAfrica Entrepreneurship Summit 5,000 Entrepreneurs

Target: HBCUs and High Schools in Underserved Communities starting with Atlanta


We declared that it is a grave injustice that people of African descent have to tear through the thickest veils to come to the consciousness of who they are and what they are worth. Even as the awakening light shines globally with greater intensity, and we see ourselves for who we truly are, it will be unjust to hold ourselves back from delivering our unique contribution to humanity at scale. Humanity needs our full and courageous expression. We articulated the model of a symphony of many inclusive parts that are self actuated in their unique identity and contributing their uniquely to the symphonic whole.

Action: Programmatic Response(Personal)

Reconcile Africa Online TV Show

Where we have discussion that awaken us to the consciousness of who we are while enliving the spirit of solidarity that results in loving caring acts that uplift the global community of Africans, people of African Descent and lovers of Africa. See ongoing production efforts at the link below.

More here:

Objective: Awareness, Motivation, Inspiration, Call to Action

Goal: Reach 10,000,000 people with our empowering content by 2024


Partner City Councils, Corporate Entities in scaling up global Immersion programs for underserved communities as a tool to promote global citizenship, healing and racial reconciliation in America.

Build strong sense of identity and mitigate crime in at risk youth.

Status: Diaspora Development Corporation; Happy Boats Travel & Tours joined consortium; continuing to add in strategic focus areas.


An African Awakening monument in Ghana to symbolize and make a statement about a new paradigm of engagement between Africans and people of African descent

Explore hybrid equity investments(by sponsors) and equity crowdfunded(Diaspora & Africa) as fund mobilizing stategy.


Diaspora Development Corporation(US) a C- Corporation and Diaspora Developmemt Company(Ghana) have been recently registered to further development pilots. DDC will also be responsible for documenting of best practices, deployment guides, program management toolkit. Diaspora Development Corporation is responsible for engaging in a wide array of sustainable business ventures for the explicit purpose of delivering Vision 2024. See logo below.

Forward Ever; Backwards Never

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